Chrysanthemum Goji Berries White Tea

Chrysanthemum Goji Berries White Tea

Ingredients: White Tea, Chrysanthemums Blossoms, Organic Goji Berries White tea - the least processed tea and rich of nutrition, highest antioxidants, lowest caffeine tea only 15mg or less. Can help to improve the immune system Chrysanthemums is consider to help the eyes sight in China ancient Time. Goji Berries Called superfood that packed of Vitamin C and other vitamins and nutrition. 16oz cup / 2tsp / 175F /2-3min After brewing you can see the Beautiful tea In front of you and good for gathering with families and friends in any occasion, and of course you love to drink everyday, daily basis tea. 16oz cup/ 2tsp / 175F / 2-3min Price based on 2oz per unit

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